Hi guys!
Sarah has totally put me to shame on the blog scene, so I'm going to try and attempt to keep up with her. Within the past couple of weeks I've attended a wedding, had company in town, assisted in a going away dinner party for Candace, and visited the Atlanta aquarium.
The Bowier - Leigh wedding was nice. It was somewhat a traditional Liberian wedding which included the Grand March, and a couple of other customary dances. They even had a dance where they pinned money on the bride. I'm in the process of researching Panamanian wedding rituals. A money dance would be so much fun!!!! :)
Candace leaves for California on Christmas day, so we had a going away dinner for her on Thanksgiving day. Oh, and the reason for us all getting together on Thanksgiving wasn't because we are pagan, but everyone seemed to be off from work. LOL The dinner party was fun. The food was amazing! Melika made majority of the food and it was soooo good. I made the cornbread, but I was a bit distracted at some point, so it came out extra dark. Oh, and when I use the term "dark" I mean burnt. You really know who your true friends are when they are willing to eat burnt corn bread just so you don't feel bad. I love you guys!
Recently this past weekend Mike and Malisa came into town. Mike and Malisa are close friends of the family. Malisa's family and my family are super close from when I was a baby in New York. Malisa was actually one of my many babysitters as a child. We tend to see her and her family about once or twice a year whenever we take a trip to New York. Mike gave the talk on Sunday - "Human Creation Groaning - When will it end?" He did a fantastic job!!!! I can't wait for them to return in July with the entire family. We sent most of their time just hanging out and chatting. Mike showed dad his palm pilot, and now dad is hooked on the idea of getting one. I offered to give him mine but apparently mine isn't good enough. I have a couple of brand names in mind for his palm pilot, but I'm still window shopping. Any suggestions Andy? I figure since so many of my friends visit my site on a regular basis maybe I should talk to them individually like Sarah. Anyway back to Mike and Malisa's visit we had a great time spending time with them and then before they left to go back home to Philly we went to the aquarium. If you haven't had a chance to visit the aquarium you may want to make time. Its amazing!!!! I fell in love with the Beluga whales, and the sea lions!
Well I think that is a pretty decent update for the time being. I told Sarah I was going to update my blog, and now I can sleep in peace. I'll write more later! I promise!
Oh, updated pictures can be found on my online photo album so check it out. Elissa I have a couple of you too!
Leave a comment please guys. Show me I'm loved too.