Surprise Sheanna!

Hi guys!
Sorry its been so long between post. I was so busy helping with Sheanna's surprise party I didn't have any energy to blog. Overall the party went pretty well except for some issues with the music. The dj's equipment was acting up. Sheanna was pretty surprised which made us all very happy. Andrew and Buddy really made her believe we were going to a Jazz concert at the Georgia Mountain Center. The party started at 6:00 p.m. but we didn't make it over there with the honoree till almost 7:00 p.m. Did you know that I can make it to the Georgia Mountain Center from my house in about 18 minutes? :) The entire week was pretty stressful with party planning, but it was nice to have the guys in town. Andrew, Jonathan and Buddy sure did tear up the dance floor. Andrew did a nice little breakdance for one song. Jonathan had some kind of Batman dance that he entertained the crowd with. You guys are hilarious! Anyway I've loaded some pics onto flickr so check them out. Stay tuned for more party details.
Pssst!!! The funny guy in the background is Jonathan.