Jack Johnson said it best - "It's always better when we're together."

Okay so Elissa and I are getting ready to head to London in exactly a month. Woo-hoo! I can't wait! I'm so excited. I joked about starting a Hottie Tour. We'll see how well we are received in England. Who am I kidding? We're going to be a success! Right? No doubt. E and I always seem to have a blast on our trips. Last trip we took together was Seagrove. I crack up thinking about how E would be listening to her mp3 player zoning out , and I would just start talking. Remember that E? You're such a good friend. In addition to taking tons of pics I'll try to post blogs about our trip adventures. Now since our trip is a month away you guys need to help me figure out what to pack? Any suggestions for London essentials? I'm doing carry on! Can you believe it? I'm going to need help packing thats for sure. Well that's all for my blog. Leave comments people!