To spank or not to spank? That is the question

Hi guys!
How are you all? I hope all is well. Things have been busy but coming along very well. Anyway I felt the urge to blog based on recent news in the state of California. Have you guys heard about the no spanking law they are trying to get together in Cali? They are trying to create a law that you can't spank your child until after the age of 3. What is wrong with people? I mean granted I never enjoyed getting spanked as a child. It didn't happen very often because I was the ideal child. Yea right! Anyway in the Cadogan household we were spanked, and let me tell you something I think it did a world of good. Today I see all these unruly kids even in the hall that just get talked to and they just look at their parents like "Are you done talking?", or "Yea, whatever." The kid needs a good spanking. I don't know that's just my personal opinion. I'm not saying you should beat a child but kids need to be disciplined. Each child responds differently to punishment - Sheanna didn't take yelling very well so she rarely got spanked, Chelseay responded to spanking better (sorry Chels), and I was a healthy medium. What about with you guys? To spank or not to spank that apparently is the question. Check out this lovely article.
Any thoughts?