Dynamic Duo Hits Boston

Well E and I traveled to Boston for Ms. Sarah's wedding. We had a fantastic trip! Its always good times when me and my travel buddy are together. This trip was all about E. The men loved her! She got a marriage proposal the very first day. He even offered to give her a diamond ring for each child she has for him. LOL He said he wanted 10, right E? Anyway I'll have to post more pics and more details of our fantastic time together. Feel better E!
Well, what can I say to this post....except...YOU'RE RIGHT!!
Had tons of fun with you in Boston.
kind of sad it was our last Hurrah.
(darn Jeff...)
sorry jeff...
Well I don't think of it as our last Hurrah! Didn't Jeff say you can borrow me anytime? We should have got that in writing. Part of a pre-nup or something. Kidding Jeff! Nah I say lets do a beach trip this summer. What do you think?
I'm all about a beach trip.
Let's plan it.
However, I think Jeff meant I could SHARE you with him, not take you 1,000's of miles away anymore... :(
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