The British Museum and More

Here we go again!
We woke up Saturday morning to see poor Amy feeling a bit sore and acting like a trooper. We were all able to convince her she should go to the doctor, so while she got ready to go to the doctor we prepared to head to The British Museum for our bible tours. I was the worst person to get any kind of information from in the morning. Honestly!!! Amy's mom would ask me what I'd want for breakfast, and I think I would just stare into space. I got better, but man it was ridiculous the first couple of days. I wasn't really tired when I woke up I just didn't feel like myself. In fact I kept saying to the girls - "I don't like London Tam, she's really dumb." I've never felt so incompetent in all my life. Anyway enough about how I felt.
E and I headed to the corner store and bought our tickets for the day, and then headed to the station. We did really well. We didn't even get lost. It did take us a while to get to The British Museum, but it was well worth the wait. E and I waited around for our bible tour to began. The company that does the tour is called Meander. As we waited for our tour to begin we were able to meet this really lovely older couple. They were from Scotland, and they brought their granddaughter to London for holiday. They took her to Bethel and wanted to do the bible tours while they were in town. I must say that if you want to go to do the bible tour you NEED to schedule it in advice. My travel buddy was great at scheduling stuff in advance. :) Anyway our first bible tour was entitled - Problems Early Christians faced. The brother who did the tour did a really good job. We saw different exhibits to see how how life was back in the time of Paul and the Early Christians. I have notes on the tour, and I'll have to share that later. He brought out some great points. We had a nice size group. We walked ALL over the museum. Bring comfy shoes. I was wearing some fashionable shoes but after a while I had to toss those shoes to the side. Thank goodness they were black, so they didn't look funky like tennis shoes would if I put them on. :) Anyway after our tour we went to this really cute cafe and had lunch. Again I didn't learn my lesson and got a bagel with this chicken avocado salad and I said I want a little mayo. Yea it was just mayo with chicken and avocado bits in it. Yuck! Anyway I ate as much as I could and had some lovely coke to wash it down. I'm not really sure what E had for lunch, but I think it was okay. She said NO mayo on her sandwich. Anyway after lunch we went back to the museum and walked around by ourselves. We ran into some of the friends from our first tour, and they asked where we were from, and whether we were enjoying our holiday. Then he said in the sweetest voice - "Americans have such a harsh brass tone." LOL We were like - Oh, thanks! Anyway after we walked around aimlessly taking photos of different exhibits we met back in the front for our next tour. This tour was given by a french sister and it was entitled - How to survive a famine. We were able to see how Joseph must have prepared for the famine and what he wore when he was going to meet with the Pharaoh. The sister was so animated and did a lovely job. Its amazing how having a guide really adds meaning to the pieces in the museum because we saw some of the same exhibits when we were alone, but when we went with the guide it was sooo much better. Anyway after our tours we were resting and Elissa attracted the attention of some very interesting men. LOL Do you remember E? I say she attracted the attention because I was too busy ignoring them and she was being the nice polite one. I think they asked us about the Bible Tours and then asked if we would like to grab a drink with them. E told them during the midst of the conversation that we were Jehovah's Witnesses and they started asking whether we were allowed to drink alcohol or coffee. We said yes, but anyway they tried to continue the conversation but we able to leave gracefully. I must say the men in England were very friendly to these American girls. Anyway after the Museum we headed to Amy's. Amy was moving and having people over to her new flat. She had most of her stuff in her flat already so we just moved our air mattress and luggage into our other room. Amy's flat is so cute! I'm really happy she was finally able to move in since they had postponed her move date several times. On her first night in her flat she was having a Eurovision party. Let me explain what it is - Its like American Idol meets So you think you can dance but by country. Its actually quite horrible and everyone watches it but just to make fun of it. Amy wanted everyone to pick a country and bring a dish from that country. I chose Spain and we figured we'd bring Sangria but couldn't find any ANYWHERE. The friends brought some very interesting food. I think Jess brought boiled eggs with tomato's on them and they had blue cheese on top. I actually ate that it wasn't so bad. Someone brought blue cheese cake. Yea I wasn't that adventurist. At least Jess' food I could just eat the egg and then the tomato. Someone brought Tolberone, which is now one of my FAVORITE things to eat. Its a chocolate bar with almond nugget and its in the shape of a triangle. Anyway it was a late night, but it was really nice to meet new people. We finished the night with a lovely glass of wine and then headed to bed. Another lovely day in England.
Enjoy some pics!

"We were such tourist"

"At the cafe for lunch"

"Elissa at the museum"

"Eurovision Food"

"Sam in his Eurovision shirt"

"Good Times"

"Some of the gang"

"Everyone watching Eurovision"

"I love this pic! This is E trying to watch Eurovision. Poor dear."

"Way to end the evening."
Labels: British Museum, England