Things I won't miss at the office

We leave in just a few days for England, and while I'm in the office I'm reminded of things I won't miss at work. Jonathan had a similar post on his page. Here is a list:
1. I hate being greeted with the horrible stench of air freshner as I walk off the elevator. One of the girls in the next office feels the need to spray the bathroom like a mad woman. Its gotten so bad my boss and I use the bathroom on the second floor. Its horrible.
2. I won't miss dealing with mindless customers who choose not to read and then complain that their issue has not been resolved. Umm...did you actually read the resolution? Oh no! Do I need to? Yea well that might help.
3. Office unrest
4. Wearing three layers of clothes and using my heater. Its summer and I wear sweaters to work. Does anyone else see a problem with that picture?
Well that's about all I can think of at the moment. I enjoy my job most of the time except for the things mentioned above. :)