I'll never get those 3 minutes back

Okay I'm sure you all are wondering what I am talking about, so I'll tell you. Earlier this afternoon I received a sales call about insurance. I was in a fairly patient mood, so I figured hey I'll let this sales woman (who sounded completely ignorant) give me her sales pitch. She told me that in a few weeks I'll be receiving info as to how I could save about 30% more on insurance. Whatever! I'm happy with the my insurance now. I'm a student who mooches on her parents insurance. Anyway she continues to verify my job address and then she askes for my name. I told her its Tamla, and thats when the fun started. "Okay Tamra hunny can you spell that?" Its actually T-A-M-L(and I stressed L) - A! I even said it in a very calm voice. She was like okay thats T-A-M-R-A. I stressed the L for yet the third time. Then she asked for my last name, and boy did she mess it up. I mean I can't even begin to tell you the letters she introduced into my last name. I finally said you know what its not a big deal. She was like okay, how old are you? 21? No maam I'm 23. You sound young was her response to my age. I wanted to say you sound totally incompetent, but I refrained. Next she said you aren't married, are you? I paused for a second because I couldn't believe this woman had the nerve to say that to me. She actually insinuated that I couldn't be married. She was like "Are you? " I said no. Then she verified my last name name again (of course it was wrong) and put me on the phone with her supervisor. Her supervisor verified my health insurance and I told her I was very happy with it. She said oh, okay nevermind. Grr...thats 3 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
Yea they are special. I mean why would I leave important business matters in your hand if you can't spell my name properly after telling you more than three times. I mean what if I wanted to cancel my service or change my plan? She would probably mess things up. Oh well. So you take 10 minutes away from their life when you talk to them. Interesting.....
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