Gym Etiquette

Its been a long time in between post. Again I apologize to my many readers. LOL
Lately I've been working out at the gym to try and get in shape since summer is HERE. Anyway yesterday at the gym while I was on an elliptical machine I met a person with absolutely no gym etiquette. I mean here I was bopping away to my workout music playlist on my Ipod when I hear this woman laughing hysterically on her PHONE. Hello lady, you don't come to the gym to chat on your phone! Granted sometimes you get a phone call while you are the gym, but keep it brief. This woman had a conversation while on a machine and she was super loud. I mean it was not only annoying, but rude. I just stared at her in amazement. She was laughing so hard from her conversation she was falling off the elliptical.
Anyway that's my story for the week. What's going on with you guys? Feel free to comment.
Well I better jet, but maybe I'll post again soon.
Later. I'm out!
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