What a weekend!

Hi guys!
Hope you all had a very lovely weekend. Has anyone ever noticed no one seems to use the word "Merry" except when it is in connection with Christmas. I think the word Merry and Jolly have fallen into the Christmas vocabulary. That's so sad! Anyway my weekend was pretty nice. I was suppose to go to Alpharetta for service on Friday with Jeff's group, but because of the weather I stayed in and caught up on my reading. Around 5:00 p.m. I finally decided to get out of the house and pick up some food and maybe another movie. LOL I picked up a frozen pizza, desert and I got a salad from Zaxby's. Yummy. Friday overall was a very mellow, and relaxing day for me. Saturday I went out in service and then came home and cleaned. After family study the girls and I met up with some friends at Macaroni grill for yet another going away dinner for Candace. LOL The food was super yummy. I haven't been to Macaroni grill in a while. I had the Penne Rustica and it was soooo good. After Macaroni Grill we headed to the city to show a sister the wonderful city of Atlanta. I got home later than I wanted to, and then I couldn't fall asleep. I think I finally feel asleep around 3:30, but surprisingly I was wide awake during the meeting. Once I came home I tried to watch yet another movie, but then I fell into a mini sleep coma for 4 hours. Monday I went to a wonderful brunch at Jessa's. We had a wonderful selection of waffles, french toast, eggs, etc. Yummy! After we ate we sat around and talked and then Jeff, Jessa, Naomi, and I played Scrabble. I think Jessa won overall, but Naomi was really close. What a game! I had the worst letters known to man. At one point during the came I didn't even have one consonant. Jeff at the end had nothing but "I's". Poor baby! LOL Anyway brunch was a very nice way to start my week. Candace actually left for California Monday before we came home from meeting. Yesterday I spent most of my day cleaning and moving things around since we had old friends of my parents visiting. They came with their three children and they should be with us till the end of the week. Their youngest daughter is 13 and she's adorable. She slept with me in my bed, and man I forgot why I don't sleep with young people until now. LOL I think I was kneed in the back, and at one point during the night her hand was on my face. Wow! Did everyone have a good weekend? Any plans for this weekend?
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