
Yesterday my dad made salmon for dinner, and it was pretty good. However while I was enjoying my tasty salmon their was a bone in my fillet. How did that happen? Anyway it seemed to go down at the wrong time just when I was laughing at something. I started to choke and my eyes began to water. My mom started patting me on the back. I then rushed to the bathroom to try and get rid of the bone, but instead I just got rid of everything I ate. I know a bit gross I'm sorry. Anyway my mom comes to my aid with some tasty bread. The same thing happened to her about two years ago except my dad called the Paramedics. Very interesting little story that I'll have to go into further at another time if you haven't heard the tale. Anyway she gave me some bread, and I was feeling a little better. When I was lying down last night I felt the bone again and it caused me to gag for a while. Talk about a horrible feeling. I ate more of some yummy honey wheat bread. My mom wondered if I should go to the ER, but I told her my airway was fine and it just hurt. I decided to just deal with the pain, and try and get my mind off the bone lodged in my throat. I called Jeff and chatted with him and I came to conclusion that as long as I slept upright I should be okay. This morning the bone was still lodged in the throat. My mom, Hope (my co-worker), Jessa, and Elissa all think I should go to the doctor. I called up Kaiser and they said the same thing I've been saying "If you are not having any difficulty breathing then you'll just have to wait for it to pass." Basically since I'm breathing properly there is nothing they can do. Great! In the meantime my boss and my co-worker are trying to help. First Hope gave me dark chocolate to eat. I love her Dove dark chocolate and it normally makes me feel better especially when I have a headache and sinus issues. Guess what? Dove didn't work. Then she suggested I drink hot water. Umm...nah its a bone not a piece of food, so I passed on that and just drank more water. The bone is still there. Then my boss suggested I eat something, so I had lunch. Yup still there. Now Hope said she'll give me her banana, and maybe it will stick to the banana on its way down. Then as I'm sitting down gagging at my desk (I know nice image) my boss and Hope come to me and say we've got it "Chew three pieces of gum and then swallow it. The bone will stick to the gum and you'll be done." I'm chewing gum right now per their request, but now Elissa reminded me that it will stick to my insides for 7 years. Does that mean that my bone will be stuck in me forever too? I need help! I need suggestions! Comments are needed!!!!
This just in my male boss just told me to look up home remedies on the internet. Guess what it says? Eat bread! Wow!!!! I'm in trouble
Poor Tam! I've been chatting with you about this all day so all I'm gonna say is the gum myth is a myth and I doubt the bone would stick to the gum anyway.. maybe drink some olive oil, lube up your throat..
Hmm...good idea! Mangiano's here I come. I hope this thing passes and soon. Its so uncomfortable.
Antman...I forgot my login
I think U should go to the doc anway. And let them check U out.
what i like about this blog is says my name 2 times!
Yay! ;)
and I'm pretty sure that thing about the gum is not a myth! ;)
What a traumatic event! I hate fish bones! They give me the hee-bee gee-bees! And they pop out of no where when you least expect them too! Have you tried to gargle water or something? Maybe that would help it to come out.
Hey E glad you enjoyed my blog post. Oh and I really hope the gum thing isn't too serious since I did swallow my gum. Yikes!
Eryn thanks for your suggestion. I am feeling a lot better. My trachea must have been severly bruised. Ouch!
Hi - The gum thing is TOTALLY a myth - Don't worry about swallowing. It will pass as anything else does - however, usually exits a body about the same way it goes in. It doesn't break down. For more info:
ps... I'm glad that you're ok - HOW DID YOU GET BETTER?? It just worked it's way free??
This Jared guy is a smart man....listen to him. Like I said, Gum does not hang on for dear life in your colon...makes it's exit like everything else.. :)
Yea you guys are all smart! Including Elissa who was totally messing with me. LOL Right, E?
Jessa I feel so loved you commented on my blog twice. You guys rock!
bone update - I'm feeling a lot better. The bone finally passed and my throat was sore for a couple of days. I appreciate everyone's concern. :) Love to all!
bone update - I'm feeling a lot better. The bone finally passed and my throat was sore for a couple of days. I appreciate everyone's concern. :) Love to all!
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