Who needs a vacation?

Beach anyone? Its the ending of the summer.
Share you travel experiences with us if you want.
I know a couple of you guys still have vacation plans in the works :::coughs Tianna:::
So far this year I've been able to travel to Panama (to visit Family), a cruise to Mexico( parent's anniversary present), Florida ( hang time with the girls), and Washington/New York (trip with the parentals). All in all this summer has flown by and all I have to show for it is a cute purple turtle that has Cozumel stamped on it not to mention a couple of T-shirts. LOL
My next travel venture is hopefully England and Scottland in November or December. I'm ready to head to London Baby!
Wow. Here I am the first person to comment. I do have a job, and I do work....But I will commment.
I would love to put up a blog of my trip too. You have done far more trips than I this year.
So far, one interesting one, 12 of us from this area went to Colorado for a snowboarding trip. That was extremely fun. But all in all, i was very glad to have my alone time when I got back. It's really hard to always be turned on when you are constantly surrounded by friends. It was nice though. I loved it, and had a great time. I can't wait for California next week. Just think...by this time next week, I will be huggin on Mickey, and eating Clam Chowder in a bread bowl from the New Orleans area of Disneyland!!
Don't make me jealous Tianna. My next trip is Labor Day weekend to New York/ New Jersery area. Another quick vacation! Thanks for your travel log experience. I want to do something similar to your Colorado vacation except to Italy. Any takers?
Your trip to Italy is too soon. Isn't it in a couple months? I don't even have a VISA
Trip to Italy should be next year after my family trip to Spain. I was thinking early September for Italy. It would give me a chance to save money. :)
Well, in that case, I may be interested. What part of Italy would you concentrate on?
Umm...let me think about that. :)
I would be interested in going to Venice, Milan, and Florence? WE can pick the two out of three that are closer. I am going to see when the English convention is over there. Sound like fun?
uhh, YEAH! We can definitely check into that. (by "we" I really mean you)
You leave links on your comments. Gotta love that Andi. Isn't that where you went on your honeymoon?
Uh - huh I'm glad you got to see it Andi. :) Any other destinations that rate high on your list?
Whatever! I had a passport when I was younger when I traveled to Pananam a couple of times and last year I got a new one my trip to Panama. I am so ready to add stamps in mine and no I don't mean hello kitty stamps either.
Ooooh that's right I forgot. Man, you are a passport virgin. Ahh its a pain to go through immigration though and customs. Yuck!
What are people known for smuggling in from their? In Panama we were so close to Columbia I would assume we were checked for drugs. Thankfully when my mom had her situation last year and was in a wheelchair we went through everything so quickly. Ahhh, I loved it then! Except for the fact that my mommy couldn't walk very much. :( Talk about a rough summer last year.
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